(Un)directed Reading

Selected Students’ Work
Directed Reading 2020/21

A word from the Curator, the Illustrator and the Kiosk

Chapter 1

100 Great Short Stories

At the beginning of the module, students were required to practice a DRTA, Directed Reading Thinking Activity. This technique guides student to question, predict, and analyse written materials along the way. Of course, it is not only about reading. It is also a practice to develop critical thinking and, reversibly, to be able to write and compose texts that are understandable, sensible and engaging.

This exercise was to start with an existing short story that students found online. By answering a few step-by-step questions, they were guided through the DRTA process and read the stories. At the end of the practice, they were assigned to take the exact title of their choice and create an original story.

Thirteen pieces have been selected. Students have stepped into the universe of writing from the heartfelt and down-to- earth description of Mother’s love to beyond imaginable discussions and negotiations with God and the Emperor. And it is only a beginning...

Chapter 2

In Praise of...

To strengthen their skills, students were assigned a book called “In Praise of Shadows” by Jun'ichirō Tanizaki. This book is about the author’s fascination with Japanese architecture and their passion for and usages of shadows compared to other cultures. Students were to read the book and learn from Tanizaki to write about their own fascination. It was an opportunity to take a further step into the area of their professions.

Observing and describing all characteristics of one’s passion to others is a practical approach to understanding what is missing and what is to be improved along the writing process. We are always thinking about what is enough to be told and what is too much to be enclosed. Sometimes, during the era of being a student, we all had the experience of being too exhausted and only to aim for the minimum. However, it is not enough!

Writing is the same as reading as one has to progress, re- read, and refine. Then, the cycle starts again, until satisfaction has been achieved and thoughts have been successfully transmitted...

Chapter 3

A Story to Tell

A project can be well designed and perfectly manufactured. Still, to succeed, the designer needs to go through the process of empathise as the first step of the entire design thinking process. And need not to say, for motion graphical projects, there is always a script.

In this exercise, students were asked to create a story related to their final projects. These stories do not necessarily, be the direct script of their products or the designs. More importantly, they are to transmit the initial idea and the root of their work.

Some pieces are stories about the inspirations, while some are stories that evolved from the product. Either way they were originally created by the students that are hoped to be used to communicate with the external parties.