From the Illustrator...

I had the wonderful opportunity to help draw the illustrations for (Un)directed Reading. In order to match the vast array of themes and concepts this novel had, it was quite a task to figure out a style that would work with each story.

I took inspiration from a range of sources, from children’s books illustrations such as ones from Disney to the edgier visuals of mediums such as noir films and graphic novels. The hardest part of creating my illustrations was when I had to draw ones for more conceptual stories - translating an idea or a thought into a dynamic image without repetition, was challenging to say the very least. Oftentimes, stories with these sorts of content had little to no illustrations. Therefore finding references or inspirations was also a challenge.

Nevertheless, it was an absolute joy to read every single one of these stories and explore their visual components. I hope you all have as much fun as I did reading them, and I hope my illustrations bring an even more enjoyable experience.

June Iec

Local Painter