The Man in the Moon

Anthony Hoi Wong

-Bachelor of Communication and Media-

God has created a place called Eden, a place that is very peaceful with no evil. There are many animal species like birds, mammals, fish, and reptiles. There is adequate food and water. Everything here is beautiful. Eden has been created, but only one man is living there. The man lives alone in Eden. Life is simple but happy. He enjoys playing with animals, swimming in the river, and climbing up the mountain. Small things like this can make his day. One day, God thinks that he can add up Eden to make this place more perfect.

God asks the man, “What do you need? I can give you anything.”

A man says, “Everything in here is good. I don’t need anything.”

God nods and leaves.

He continues his life, as usual. He tames all animals and talks with them every day. Yet, there’s always no reply from the animals. Gradually, he feels lonely and bored.

Man In The Moon

One day, God comes again and asks him, “What do you need?”

The man answers, “I feel lonely staying here because no one talks with me.”

God says, “I will make the animals and trees talk with you”.

God claps his hands, and the animals and trees start to talk now. The man starts talking with animals and trees, and he feels more connected with them. He keeps trying new things in Eden with the animals accompanying him. Nevertheless, he feels bored after a while because he does not think these creatures could understand him.

He approaches God and says, “Can you create something interesting for me?”

God realises that he would not be satisfied with whatever he is going to create for him. Human emotions are more complicated than what he thinks. People can quickly feel bored and ask for more. God says, “I can bring you to the earth, there are more people to interact with, you can talk with them, and they may understand you more deeply.”

The man nods and says, “Please bring me there, I feel lonely, and no one can understand me. I think people can understand me more, and I can learn more.”

God agrees and brings him to the Earth. One thing that is different between the Earth and Eden is that there are many rules and regulations on Earth, and Eden is a place where a man can do everything he wishes.

He cannot adapt to the Earth’s living culture at first, as time passes, he enjoys his life on Earth much more than on Eden because he can encounter different kinds of people, the good ones and bad ones, trying out different things, skiing, shooting and even playing ball games. He gradually understands why there are so many rules and regulations on Earth to protect himself and other people. And of course, he is a kind-hearted person and is thankful for God bringing him to the Earth. He soon finds his true love with his kind-hearted, a woman who is beautiful from the inside out. They get married and form their own family of four on Earth, with a son and a daughter. He is living a stable life and started up his own business. However, he is being deceived by his business partner. He has lost all his money and can only afford to live in a small wooden house. He starts to blame and keeps murmuring, wishing to go back to Eden every day and enjoy life again. His son asks him, “Father, where is Eden?”. The man answers, “A place where I come from, it is a paradise.” His wife, daughter, and son are confused because they have never heard of Eden. He explains, “Eden is a good place. Everything is good there. You do not need to worry about anything. No stress, no pressure, only amusement.” His family does not believe what he says, so he decides to show his family the truth, by bringing them to Eden.

The man comes to the door of Eden. Suddenly, God is here and stops him.

God says,” You are not welcome anymore.”

The man asks, “Why?”

God says, “ You have chosen to live your life on Earth. Now that you face some failure and want to escape from it and come back. Everyone must be responsible for their own choices. Eden is not the place where people can randomly enter or leave.”

The man leaves and returns to the Earth. He is angry with what God has said. All he wants is to leave the Earth and take his family to Eden for a new life. He is losing his mind over his anger. By that time, the evil side of him has taken over. He starts his revenge plan to fight with God. The evil is controlling. He gathers an army and starts fighting. God is angry with what the man is doing. He tries his best to eliminate the man and the military. The entire military is destroyed and only keeps the man alive. God talks to him, trying to make a deal with the man.

God says, “I can let you go back to Eden. The deal is that the world will be destroyed at your convenience. Your family will be one of the victims if you wish to do so.”

The rational side of the man suddenly wakes up. He refuses, “No, I would not wish anyone on Earth to sacrifice because of me. I would not be happy if I am alone in Eden. I have learnt a lot on Earth. Everything happens for a reason, no matter if it is good or bad. I am sorry for what I did, bringing an army trying to kill you. I would do everything to remedy my faults.” God forgives him and gives him a second chance, letting him restart on Earth. He is thankful and continues to work hard for his family. He then becomes the Earth’s most influential leader and writes a book about his whole life, named “The man in the moon”.