A Loving Park

Grania, Weng Chim Cheong

-Bachelor of Design-

A Loving Park

“Yes, more. Right hand on your shoulder.” “Good, keep going.” Travis is an intelligent photographer. He takes photos of a famous magazine with the beauties; he always has his unique thoughts and turns ordinary things into something special.

“Bib, bib...” Travis opens his eyes, still in the same bed and setting. Yes, he had a good dream. He is not that famous now, and he is just an assistant to a renowned photographer. “Just another day! Come on! You can do it!” Travis always encourages himself because he believes that someday he will really become a famous photographer.

“Fix this and give me as soon as possible.” Says Travis’s boss. There is a lot to do as a photographer except taking photos; they also need to use some computer software to fix or make the picture more attractive. But as you know, this is not what Travis wants to do. He just wants to take photos, and because he is just an assistant, he also needs to do this. Travis is exhausted and wants to have some new thoughts about his work. So, he decides to go to the park for lunch today. Travis buys a sandwich and sits on the “chair” beside the “climbing wall”, he always thinks that the moments between people and people talking, playing, and interacting are fascinating things in the world. So usually, he loves to take pictures of people, also the senses of people interacting. Scarlett, “Excuse me, can I sit here?” Travis is frozen for a moment because the girl has stunning eyes.

Travis, “Sure, make yourself comfortable.” They sit together for a while, and Travis continuously reads his book. At some point, Travis cannot hold anymore, and he asked Scarlett, “Are you a fan of vintage clothes?”

Scarlett puzzles, “What? This is my daily outfit. What’s wrong? Why does everyone dress so differently? And so do you...” “ Is there any festival today?”

Travis: “Ha, ha, not really. What’s your name?”

Scarlett: “ I’m Scarlett, and you are?”

Travis: “Nice to meet you. I’m Travis.” “ You live near?”

Scarlett: “ No, I work near.”

Travis: “What a coincidence, me too. I’m a photographer.”

Scarlett: “I’m a cable girl.”

Travis: “Really? Then what a waste.”

Scarlett: “Why?”

Travis: “I think you can be a model.”

Scarlett: “Thank you! I will consider it.”

Travis: “ I’m serious. You have beautiful eyes.”

Scarlett: “I think I need to go now. Nice to meet you.”

Travis: “Goodbye, Scarlett.”

When Travis goes back to the office, he still misses Scarlett so much. Travis doesn't know if he could see Scarlett again, but he really wants to meet this girl at least one more time. But now, he definitely needs to finish his work.

Days go by, Travis starts to go to the park every day when he has lunch, even though he does not see Scarlett every time. Finally, Travis met Scarlett today. Still at the same park, same “chair” and same style as Scarlett.

Travis: “Why didn't I see you these days?”

Scarlett: “But I came here every day.”

Travis: “Maybe we missed each other.”

Travis: “Can I ask you to be my model?”

Scarlett:”Right now?”

Travis: “Sure, why not.”

Scarlett: “OK.”

Kids are asking Scarlett questions because of her outfit. She is so patient with the kids and plays with them in the “climbing wall”, “rolling sits” and running around. Travis takes out his camera and takes some photos of these moments and beautiful scenes. People may think that these photos are too ordinary for a photograph, but these are the most precious pictures in Travis's mind. Because the park, the chair, or the wall are everyday things, it's also a platform for people to interact and communicate with each other.

When Travis goes back to the office, he takes out the camera film and develops the film. When his boss saw the photos, he told Travis they could take the pictures to compete.

Travis is very excited and thrilled to tell Scarlett that his work is being seen. He runs to the park to find Scarlett, but this time he sees a man entangled with Scarlett.

Scarlett: “Let me go.”

The man: “Please give me one more chance. I still love you.”

Scarlett: “You’ve betrayed me.”

The man let go of Scarlett. She sits on the “chair” and cries.

Travis: “ Are you ok?”

Scarlett wiped her tears and said: “Yes.”

Travis: “Our work may have a chance to win a competition.”

Scarlett: “Really? That’s great. Congratulations!”

Travis: “I told you that you have the talent to be a model.”

Scarlett smiles through her tears and says: “ You... Thank you.”

Travis: “Are you free right now? Want to go grab a drink?”

Travis takes Scarlett to the bar. They talk about a lot of things and find that they are fascinated with each other. When Travis walks Scarlett home, she kisses his cheeks and says good night.

“Ring, ring...” “Mr. Travis, please.” “Your work has been selected for the competition and display.” “Thank you very much!” Travis is delightful. His dream has finally come true, and he can become a great photographer. They are busy preparing the material and the photos for the display, and Travis just wanted to meet Scarlett as soon as possible. So Travis goes to the park and tries to find Scarlett; he walks around the whole park but cannot find Scarlett. He gets tired and sits on the “chair”, he sees there is one sentence engraved on the “chair” --- “I might need to leave for a while, miss you! Scarlett”. Travis is so disappointed, but there is no other way to seek Scarlett, so he walks back to the gallery.

“Please welcome Mr. Travis.”

“Thank you! I’m so glad that I could come here today and bring my work to everyone. As a photographer, I always think that it is important to see things differently. Even ordinary things can become something unique, and the most precious thing is the connection between people, us. So I hope my work can pass this message to the world.”

Travis’s work really goes to the world, and many different people come to see his work. There is one old man who sees Travis’s work and cries suddenly, Travis walks close to the man and notices the man is watching the picture of Scarlett. Travis asks the man why he is crying, and the man said, “she was my love!”

Travis: “Sir, you know her?”

The old man: “That's a long time ago.”

Travis: “Long time?”

The old man: “ Yes, she passed away 50 years ago.”

Travis: “Sir, I think you must have got the wrong person. I saw her several days ago, and I took these photos a month ago.”

The old man: “That is impossible. She had cancer when she was 25. I saw her dead in person.”

The old man's conversation confuses Travis, and he doesn’t know if the old man is telling the truth or not. Travis wants to find Scarlett, but he can’t. He is so helpless, he doesn't know what to do.

A month later, Travis goes to the park with his camera to start his new project. He has already become a famous photographer this time, decided to continue his concept of taking pictures. He sits on the same “chair”, and suddenly he drops his book. When he goes down, he sees a lot of engraved words under the “chair”. That is a letter from Scarlett.

“To Travis: I don’t know if you could see this or not. I’m so glad that I met you here. You always brought me joy when I was sad; you told me to see things differently, even if it was ordinary. Knowing you was the happiest moment of my life; I could forget my pain for a while with you. I know we are people of different ages, so I write you this letter to let you know I appreciate and adore you so much. And thank you for all the things you’ve done for me; I believe you will become a great photographer one day.”

Till the end, Travis is having heavy tears like rain. He knows that the old man was telling the truth, but he hasn’t thought they would have a sad ending. He likes Scarlett and wants to see her again, and his tears drip on his camera and the shutter. There is light coming out from the camera, and Travis drops it on the ground, and this time, Travis sees Scarlett as his model again.

The chair, climbing wall, and rolling device are very ordinary and appear in a park. These are normal things, but the important part is that they provide a platform for people to interact and communicate with each other. People are used to using technology these days, and having the mindset of this will make us more close and convenient. But the fact is technology is letting us apart and avoiding our physical interaction. Within communication, physical communication is critical, and it includes the speaks of our tones, body language, and eye contact. These are the essentials of communication. I want people to go a bit backwards to notice that there are many more than phones or the internet. And so, I have created a park.