Feng Shui Master

Anthony, Hoi Wong

-Bachelor of Communication and Media-

This incident happened in a small town in 2000. Decades after the liberation of New China, it developed rapidly, and the construction industry was prosperous. Many contractors had become wealthy in this period; there was no such thing as a loss.

In a village, there lived one famous Feng Shui master, and his name was Cheong. People in the town called him Master Cheong; they liked to come and ask Cheong about their life and future. Sometimes, people cried to ask Cheong more about their fate, but Cheong could not talk too much. If he spoke too much, his life would be cut by God.

Master Cheong was a significant figure in the village; he was good at fortune-telling looks and good at Feng Shui. All people who had seen him had praised him, any bad things he could see it. Moreover, he gradually became famous in the town and even spread to the province. Others started calling him “God Cheong.”

One day, Cheong set up a stall early in the morning, and it did not take long for someone to find it. They were either a person with a son who wanted to get married or a couple quarrelling and divorcing. Cheong had a good reputation in the town; he would not charge expensively. Perhaps just 5 or 10 dollars.

After a busy morning, he took a break for lunch. At this time, he heard a horn outside the door. At that moment, cars were rare in rural areas. Someone who had seen the world knew that it was the sound of vehicles, but Cheong did not know that; he thought it was someone who was blowing the trumpet.

After a while, a middle-aged man walked in front of Cheong; Cheong glanced at him and knew that the man was not a farmer, and the man asked proudly, “You are the fortune- teller who was said to be accurate?”

Cheong opened his eyes when he heard the words and raised his head to look at the man; Cheong said inside his heart, “This man had an ashen complexion; his face is a wealthy person, but his eyes were bloodshot, and his hair was uneven.” Cheong probably had a number in his heart; the voice of this man was arrogant, and Cheong did not want to offer him and said, “It was all praise from the neighbours.” The man waved his hand impatiently; he said, “Don’t say so much. I ask you if you can see it accurately, and I also heard that you still know Feng Shui?”

Cheong said, “I understand a little bit.”

The man said, “Okay, then you can show it to me.”

Feng Shui Master

Cheong asked him to take his hand and stretched out this hand; he also asked about his age. The man was thirty-eight years old and was born in the year of rabbits. The fleeting luck happened in the eyes; the eyes were bloodshot and dark; this was a bad omen. Cheong was looking at his palmistry again; he could not help the man. This man had a homicide; it should have been five years ago when he was thirty-three years old. Cheong, coupled with the man’s face, knew that the man was not good and cruel.

In order not to provoke right and wrong, Cheong told the man, “You have to go to the point of facts. You have not had much luck over the past two years, and you have lost a lot of money. It is not peaceful now.” There were some things Cheong did not say were that this person was a strange department, and it was surrounded by black air, and he was very vicious, his home had something unclean or on his body.

The man was silent, and obviously, Cheong said it right. Then, the man asked him, “If it comes to me, could you help me?” After that, he took out a thousand dollars and put it on the table. Cheong had never seen such a large amount of money in his life, but he did not dare to accept it and said, “This is a fatal calamity and cannot be solved.”

The man sneered and then said, “I heard that you know about Feng Shui. And there is something unclean at home; you can show it to me in these two days. If it can be solved, these thousand dollars is yours. I give my business to you. I have something to do, and I have to leave now.” The man left his business card to Cheong. Cheong was stunned for a while and holding his business card. Cheong was looking at the card words “Contracting for Building Architectural Design Projects,” The man’s name was “Wong”.

Later, Cheong’s wife brought a basket to deliver food; she looked at the card that was leaving and asked, “Who is this person? Is he rich?”

Cheong told his wife, “I don’t know him; he came for Feng Shui consultations.”

His wife asked, “Why is so much money on the table?”

Cheong said, “Don’t move; that is not ours.” Cheong shouted hurriedly and told his wife the whole story.

Cheong thought for a while and said, “I will go check it out in these two days and give the money to others.” Cheong smoothly picked up the hexagram bucket on the table, and after a moment of thought, he started to do some calculations. His expression became even more ugly.

In the afternoon of the next day, there was not much business, Cheong decided to go to Wong’s house. He estimated that he would be able to get there in about three hours.

Riding down the road, Cheong was riding along to ask people. When he arrived at the country side, he asked people for directions. The person looked at the business card and asked in surprise the relationship between Cheong and Wong. Cheong briefly talked about the matter. The man smiled and said that Wong was very famous, and he had a good reputation in this country; he was a contractor.

Cheong thanked him and drank some water. He continued on his way; he almost rode two hours.

Seeing that it was dark before he arrived, he was supposed to have arrived long ago; Cheong looked up at the moon; the moon was big and bright. He started to think something strange happened because it was taking too long to Wong’s house.

There was a ghost blindfolding Cheong’s eyes, and it kept Cheong spinning around. Cheong thought about yesterday’s hexagrams and today’s encounters. He felt bathing in bad luck.

These things were indispensable for those who did their job. Initially, Cheong took the red rope from his bag, and it was used to determine the compass's direction by Feng Shui.

He got out of his car. It was about eight or nine o’clock in the evening. After walking for about a mile or two, he finally came to a villa residence. It was Wong’s house.

When Cheong was ready to knock on the big iron door, he felt something had pushed him and almost fell before touching the iron door. He saw something with a dark shadow. It was squatting on the big iron door. Cheong was shocked, then he looked at the big house and walked around. He probably had a number in his heart. This house was haunted. Cheong left quickly.

A few days later, Wong walked in angrily and said, “Old man, you don’t want to do it anymore? I waited for you for several days, and you did not come, I can give you two thousand if one thousand is not enough, but I can’t charge you because you did not do anything.” Cheong glanced at Wong. He did not say much and put the original one thousand dollars in front of Wong, told him, “Boss Wong, it is not that I don’t help you, but what you should not do. The disaster should be related to what you did when you were thirty-three.....” At this point, Wong turned pale, and his body was trembling; suddenly, he raised his head a little poorly and looked at Cheong.

Cheong said, “Gods are watching you. Your current house is haunted. There are always some unclean things appearing. You will have nightmares at night.”

Cheong continued said, “Now, go! I will assume I have not seen you before, and I cannot help you. I believe there will be some remedy by doing more good deeds.” After saying this, Cheong did not say anything; he sat down and read.

Wong’s face was not good at this time. After a long silence, he turned and left. Before leaving, he said coldly, “Don’t talk nonsense from now on....”

This matter should have stopped here, but after two years, the newspaper reported that the police arrested a contractor on suspicion of murder. The victim was cemented in the wall by the murderer. When people moved into the house, there was a foul smell, and some oily liquid was constantly flowing out of the wall. So the police were called. They broke the wall and found a male’s body. Finally, the contractor was tracked down.

And this person was Wong.